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Sample holders and preparation sets for analyzing solids


Preparation set for Washburn sorption measurements

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Our preparation set SH0824 is a helpful tool for preparing the Washburn sorption tube and packing the powder sample reproducibly, which is important for obtaining reliable contact angle results. The set consists of a fitted shape for inserting the powder-filled Washburn cell SH0820 and a plunger for compressing the sample.


The shape has a slightly dished base so the filter base is pressed into the dish and curves in a reproducible manner. In this way, air bubbles, which could influence the measurement, do not adhere on immersion.


The plunger compresses the powder reproducibly without bodily force and only as a result of its inherent weight. The mass can be flexibly matched to the particular sample characteristics, as with a dumbbell, by fitting up to four discs, each weighing 500 g.

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