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Products & Services

Discover our instruments and accessories for drop shape analysis, tensiometry, and foam analysis as well as our versatile services to help you get the best out of our products and their measuring methods.

Dynamic Foam Analyzer – DFA100FSM for the bubble structure liquid foams

Product Overview

Our own website is our first source when we are looking for details in our large product world. So "take a look around" is a first-hand recommendation.

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ADVANCE Software

Claiming to have intuitive software does not make us stand out. Actually having intuitive software does. So don’t believe any claims and just dive into our ADVANCE pages with many examples, videos, and user stories.

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Technical Service

You quickly realize how good a product is. You only realize how good its manufacturer is when you are dependent on their service. With our service, you will experience that we invest a lot to safeguard your investment and remain your premium partner in the long term.

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Measurement Services

It is quite possible that you do not need a KRÜSS instrument at all. However, what you need are excellent surfaces, improved formulations, assured quality. For this you need solid data. So, entrust your samples to our experienced laboratory team. We offer routine measurements or creative combinations of methods for complex problems – whatever you need!

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